Kidney problems are increasing at a very alarming rate in India. Lifestyle changes, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Kidney Stones are some of the primary causes behind renal failures in India. Many patients and their loved ones advised me to write a book in simple language on this subject. They were eager to know more about how we can avoid these crippling medical issues by taking the necessary precautions. This book is my sincere effort to share my experience and knowledge gained through interacting with patients, my teachers, and various books related to Kidneys.

Through this small self-help book, I wish to help people understand the nature of kidney problems and how it can be prevented or limited from affecting our life adversely. Every year approximately Two Lakh cases of renal failures are getting added in India. If even one patient gets benefitted from the content and message of my book, my purpose behind writing this book is served. My book focusses on the prevention of kidney problems by understanding them and taking precautions at the right time.

This information will help readers maintain and improve their kidney health. Let us spread the word and enjoy a long, healthy, and disease-free life.

Dr s.
Dr s.
SImple language for common man understanding and clinically relevant
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Dr Suriraju has covered majority of Medical and Surgical details related to kidneys in a simple language for doctors and non medical people. Problems and early symptom detection are brought to reader's attention and tips on prevention is beautifully covered. There is brief touch on Covid and kidneys. Mortality is high in kidney impairment because of Covid infection. Violence against doctors is aptly covered. Health care workers are exposing themselves and their family to life threatening illness to give best treatment to their patients. This book makes patients and family understand that in-spite of best care, results are not controlled by doctors but by patient's preexisting health issues. In-spite violence continues. This book highlights these facts. Dr Shashi/Dr Swarna
My review about the book"kidney secrets revealed"
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There is a saying that " BOOKS ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS TREASURE ONE CAN HOLD". I would like to add up this book to that treasure. Neatly described about the kidney by Mr Dr suriraju.v who's also my favourite doctor. Written in such a way that even an primary school student can understand and never forget for his life. I strongly recommend people to buy this and read which will be really helpful.
somashekhar kummur
somashekhar kummur
Very informative book
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Book is written very well with simple and common man can easily understand medical terminology, good job Dr.

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